Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Brien McMahon takes a ride on Sliderocket,com

Some of you need an alternative to Power Point. My answer to you is Sliderocket.com. This site is another in a good line of sites that can replace software that some of our students do not have or are hard pressed to get access to.  The criteria is to find sites that are free,  cross platforms and cloud based. Sliderocket works for presentations. I honestly have not tried the presentation software on Google Drive, but I do like the simplicity and color schemes of this site. One of the down sides is that the presentation cannot be down loaded unless you get the upgrade, which is not so free. Below is the link to a presentation I made from a pamphlet on Senator Brien McMahon.


<iframe src="http://app.sliderocket.com:80/app/fullplayer.aspx?id=AD9FA330-31F4-4290-433A-BA92D9F09878" width="500" height="401" scrolling=no frameBorder="0"></iframe>

Feb 21st: First Meeting of McMahon Tech Folks

Senator Brien McMahon is "channelling through me" as I type...." I am glad to see McMahon teachers finally starting to move into the 21st century by embracing Web 2.0 Educational IT....just as I was viewed as the Atomic Senator...so shall the faculty be know for their ability to leverage information technology to professionally develop themselves by learning to use it to improve student learning.....we owe it to the kids...."

We kicked off our first meeting in Peter Sommers' room (only challenge is no WiFi at that end of the building). In addition to Pete, attendees were Dan Wagenberg, Cathy Andronik, and Bob Killackey. A few other teachers (Dave Marchetti, Julia Stabach) were interested but there were schedule conflicts.

Here is an overview: 

Pete talked about EDModo and MyBigCampus. He is presently using MyBigCampus and he demonstrated how he used it. He also uses it for student notifications, homework, or prep for tests.  Ability to use for Assessment (grades or comments). Parent access and parental incentive to learn technology themselves.  

Good question: IF parents can see their kids grades, can other parents see others student's grades as well? Not good if they can. Privacy concerns must be factored into the determination of what Ed IT is acceptable for you to use and how to use it properly to ensure privacy (FERPA). 

Small discussion on "What is the best way to interface with students?  Best way to reach them after hours. Can they register to receive a text vice email or a Tweet...?

What Ed IT do you use:
Pete: EdModo, MyBigCampus
Bob: Blogger for Class Blog (Senators Cadets), Google Docs / Drive, YouTube, GMail
Cathy: PB Wiki (creating links for research),  Blogs (Book club,   ), Google Docs, Access to E-Books
Dan:  My own website, 3 websites (Mr. W, mirror), Webly site for videos,  Teacher domain, website with text website for AP, email, primary communication: 3 different websites due to storage and bandwidth.

Biggest Challenge with Ed IT:
Bob: Trying to find an Ed IT System that serves all of my needs. I can't put PowerPoint's in my blog or Word Docs.
Dan: Multi-discreet discussion boards, "so students can continue learning & dialogue when not in class  


1. Need to develop or find curriculum on Digital Citizenry so we teach school community to responsibly use info technology including Social Media. 

2. Imagine developing "quick curriculum" for each grade to complete over the summer including incoming freshmen focus on student Ed IT Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA):

  • BMHS Ed IT 101 (Freshmen)  [For example: Cyberbullying prevention, Search Techniques, etc.}
  • BMHS Ed IT 201 (Sophomores)
  • BMHS Ed IT 301 (Juniors)
  • BMHS Ed IT 401 (Seniors)
3. We need to develop a process for educators (teachers, para-professionals,  to develop 21st century technologies skills if we want our students to develop them in 

It would be an online document on the school website with hyperlinks to tutorials (How To Videos, E-articles, etc.) to the Ed IT KSA we want  inbound grade level student's to be exposed to or master over the summer before school starts. Conduct an inventory test first week of school. 

That is all for now. Off to a good start. We will steal a few minutes during the next faculty meeting. The movement has started...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

RE: Thursday's Edmodo v. My Big Campus meeting, ...

Thanks to all who attended. we had a good discussion about MyBigCampus .Com. We started to get into Edmodo.com but we need more time on that subject. The Colonel took notes so we'll see how soon we can get them up here.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

For Prezi Users


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meeting Tomorrow for those who want to discuss using one web site to run your class.

Yes, we are still meeting tomorrow. I think it will be in Col. Killackey's room to discuss the web sites Edmodo and Mybigcampus. These sites can be used to run all your class communication and assignments. Please join us after school.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

In my next entry I was going to get to other things, but I saw this and had to add it. It was embedded in a fifth grade teachers blog that made the argument that we need to BLOCK EVERYTHING (his emphasis).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Here is a visual to thinking about Twitter in the classroom. Post comments below for thoughts and questions.

Meeting about Edmodo and My Big Campus- Thursday of next week

In our Internet world we know education is changing. The point of this blog is to bring up technology in a conversation that improves staff knowledge. The good Colonel  and I have decided to jump start this building communication. So we invite you to come, next Thursday Feb 21st,  have a discussion about two sites that I have used-  Edmodo.com and Mybigcampus.com. Whether you know alot about these sites or are just curious about them, please come by. We want to tap into experience while also discussing the practical potential to help with our classrooms. The point is not get heavily into technical jargon but raise questions and get energized about possibilities. So give us a heads up in the comments on this blog or email either one of us as to your intentions.

Monday, February 11, 2013

McMahon's Tech Blog - a first step

In talking to my good neighbor Colonel Killackey the last few months, we agreed that some form of communication be created to talk about technology for our building educators. Equally important would be the ideas that can go with it. This is our first attempt to see if we can bring our community together. Today, to get things rolling, I will leave you with this...  (JP Sommer)